During last year’s Holiday POP UP we were overwhelmed by the generosity of both the maker community and their customers. We filled three truckloads of donated items to Main Street Project! Even though we can’t be together in person, we’d love to show equal generosity this year towards the Main Street Project’s Holiday Gift Drive. They’ve made it easy & safe with their own AMAZON WISHLIST - you can simply click on this link and donate from the comfort of your home.
‘Main Street Project is a Community Health Centre serving the needs of Winnipeg’s most vulnerable residents and working towards helping our community find its collective footing.
Main Street Project provides a safe place of respite, shelter and support, with dignity and without judgment to individuals in our community experiencing homelessness and addiction. We advocate for a more inclusive society and assist marginalized individuals in making real choices in their lives.
Our vision is that every individual has a safe place to be and the right to self-determination.
We help hold communities by supporting people living with addictions, chronic and acute illness, housing and mental health issues – our guiding principles. By addressing these principles in each individual journey, we contribute to the overall quality of life of our community members.’
Past in-person markets have supported Ka Ni Kanichihk’s Butterfly Club, a program that supports Indigenous girls and Two Spirit youth in cultural, social, environmental and leadership development activities. This year, we encourage you to support Ka Ni Kanichihk however you can - the resources they bring to the community help Indigenous people of all ages through mentorship, healing, education, job-skills training, family support, all while building cultural and spiritual strength and respect.
Ka Ni Kanichihk (pronounced Ga Ni Ganichick) means “those who lead” in the Ininew (Cree).
Ka Ni Kanichihk is a trusted heart of Winnipeg’s Indigenous community. Our vision is to lead our people back home to a place where we are self-determining, healthy, happy, and respected for our cultural and spiritual strengths and ways of being.
We do this through a number of Indigenous led prevention and intervention programs that help children, youth, women, men, and families heal, succeed, and become leaders.
Ka Ni Kanichihk provides education and job-skills training, support for women and families, and mentorship. We walk with people on their path of recovery from trauma.
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Hello, World!