The following is all the load-in information, please read everything carefully and WATCH THE LOAD-IN VIDEOS - we hope this will help to make things clear, simple and efficient!

This is for vendors loading onto Elgin.

This is for vendors loading onto Bertha or the middle section of Elgin adjacent to the parking lot. Please ignore the part about the film crew that won’t be happening this time.


Helpful hints for Friday's load in:

- The arrows on the map indicate flow of traffic for load in AND FOR LOAD OUT.

- All vendors will have their 'booth' number chalked on the ground. Remember your vendor # please for when you arrive!

- As you enter the alley please check in with Mairen or Brandi they will be guiding you where to go. We also have Monet and Cody helping in the alley they will be there to help unload, pop up tents, watch your stuff while you go park…

- You will drive in, unload, go park & then come back to fully set up. PLEASE do not start setting up until your vehicle is gone from the alley. It's a narrow alley and it will block the flow of traffic. 

- Those vendors near the parking lot closest to entrance at Lily St / behind the Concert Hall. PLEASE note that you CAN NOT temporarily park your car in the parking lot to unload, UNLESS you park in a proper (green) spot and pay for it first. Otherwise you will be ticketed. You CAN use this lot if you find a spot to PARK & PAY, read the signs at each spot carefully for public parking times. Last time there was a parking attendant ready to give out tickets to anyone who does not properly pay & park in that particular lot. Same goes for load out! We have to get permission from surrounding buildings & residents to use the alley for the market, if you park in an empty residents spot and they come home for the evening and can’t get into their stall, that could be a big problem for us, and affect future markets. Thank you for understanding! 

ELGIN VENDORS enter via Lily onto Elgin * UNLOAD * then turn left at the end on Bertha and fully exit out at James.

BERTHA VENDORS enter via Market ave onto Bertha *UNLOAD * then exit straight through to James. 

- EVERYONE IS TO EXIT VIA JAMES AVE. So that we have one way traffic in the alleys. 

- There are parking notes on the map, but to reiterate, there's plenty of parking north of the market. That is, street parking as well as a big public parking lot by the MB Museum & MB Sport Federation. 

- We have made helpful load-in videos to help support you further. Please watch them!

- We have staggered the load-in times so that everyone can drop off their goods >>> park >>> come back to set up. 

- There has to be a single driving lane open so that an emergency vehicle can drive through. Because it's only 1 lane this also means no other car can go past, thus the importance of driving in, dropping off & exiting.

- Those vendors who have a GREEN background it means you can bring a TENT & are in a tent section. If you DO NOT have green background that means you are NOT in a tent section and therefore a tent might not work in that spot. If you are in a TENT spot and decide that it’s nice out or too windy and you want to not put it up that is fine, just know that you will be beside other tents.

- Please follow the instructions and any adjustments needed to be made by the coordinators, we need to ensure there is proper safety and that the market is set up in a way that will best accommodate the crowd, thank you!

- If there are any issues with the load-in time you have been given please email Mairen at and we will do our best to accommodate a time change.

We have assigned set up times according to your spot number. Find your vendor #, determine your load in time & plan accordingly. If this time you've been given is not possible for you, please email us and we'll figure something out. 

Here are the LOAD IN TIMES: 

2:40 PM : 

VENDORS 9 - 23 and 68 - 74

**15 - 20 you can load in through Market (not Elgin) & via the Parking Lot next to the walking path if that works better. 

3:00 PM: 

VENDORS 29 - 35 and 75 - 80

3:20 PM:

VENDORS 36 - 47 and 81 - 85 and 88,89

** vendors 36 - 43 should load in through the Parking Lot off Market that is next to the middle of Elgin.  See video**

3:40 PM:

VENDORS  48 - 53 and 58 - 66

4:00 PM:

VENDORS 1 - 8 and 24-28 and 54,55 and 67

(4:00 PM: This time is open for those that want to come later.)

REMINDER: You will LOAD OUT by driving in the same direction you LOAD IN 

*Driving against traffic totally stalls out the load out, so please please load out the same way you load in.