Please choose your preferred load-in time. We are asking everyone to please pick a time, this includes those using the parkade. Please note: load-in is for 1 vehicle only, please try and keep your load-in to 1 vehicle. If you NEED a 2nd vehicle please check the 2nd vehicle box (we can only fit 12 vehicles at a time in the front loading zone over the 2 hour set up window). There is also the parkade option for $15 which is for vendors that have a simple set up and can haul a longer distance, please email if you would like this option. If you have already signed up for the parkade please pick a time and check the parkade box. You can have 2 vehicles for the parkade option.

We will send you an email with your confirmed time once we have collected them all and have made a schedule. There will be a very comprehensive load-in/load-out email coming soon. Thanks!