Bees are an extremely complex animal and their intelligence goes farther than we know.

Wild River Apiaries are urban beekeepers who make elegant, pure Manitoban beeswax candles. 

Hi! I’m Julia, the founder of Wild River Apiaries! I started beekeeping in my backyard along the Assiniboine River in the spring of 2017. It started as a fun hobby until it sparked the interest of my dad, and we became beekeeping partners. It’s been an extraordinary experience learning and working with the bees.  Making Wild River Apiaries into a business was an easy decision after family and friends got interested. 

We thrive on sharing our knowledge and art of beekeeping in our community, to help people understand the beauty and benefits of honeybees.

We're Wild River Apiaries, urban beekeepers in Winnipeg located in the Westwood area of St. James. Our bees live right on the Assiniboine River. They soar along the river and forage on all the natural wildflowers and lovely neighborhood gardens. The bees do all the work, we just enhance their natural artistry by producing beautiful candles for your health and home.